
The Acts of Translation cycle arises as an environment for discussions and practices around a problem that today is posed as potency in the contemporary debate: translation, in its expanded sense. A notion that has its origin in the field of literature, translation can be extended to other knowledge practices if recognized as an act, experimentally moving the delimitations of the concept.

Thus, we propose to think of translation acts in a way close to what the anthropologist Roy Wagner calls "analogical extension of concepts", which happens when, by diving into the specificities of other ontological universes, we need to mobilize our own concepts to access other forms of thought.

We recognize as acts of translation internal experiments in literature, poetry and translation studies in which the way translation resources are operated interpellates the field itself; anthropology, when it is thought of as a procedure of translation through differences; science, when understood not as a truth that gives transparency to the world we live in, but as a narrative event; psychoanalysis, in its way of recognizing formations of the unconscious via difference and as a body that is foreign to language, demanding exercises in translation where the same language is assumed; art - in its visual, sound, textual, and scenic possibilities - when, for example, the very means, supports, and languages of certain artistic works seem to make themselves visible before the spectator, or when something untranslatable remains over the work, or even when the very place of translation, in its crossing of languages or perspectives on something, is inscribed as a poetic place.

The cycle is intended to think these acts in order to extract, from the way each one of them uses translation as a tool, its own method of relating to difference and, in this sense, a method of creation.

Curators: Bruno Siniscalchi and Maria Borba (Instituto Comum, Brazil).



2:30pm Translation as an act

Opening and mediation - Helena Martins (PUC-Rio, Brazil).

Speakers: André Capilé (Brazil), Guilherme Gontijo Flores (UFPR, Brazil) and Paulo Henriques Britto (PUC-Rio, Brazil).

Artist: Leonardo Nunes (Brazil).


10h30 Anthropology as translation

Speakers: Marisol de la Cadena (University of California Davis, USA) and Patrice Maniglier (University of Paris-Ouest Nanterre, France).

Mediation: Maria Borba (Instituto Comum, Brazil).

Artists: Ayani Hunikuin (Brazil) and Louise Botkay (Brazil) / Jaider Esbell (Brazil).


10h30 Science as translation

Speakers: Mario Novello (Brazil, CBPF) and Steve Woolgar (Oxford University, UK).

Mediation: Maria Borba (Instituto Comum, Brazil).

Artist: Alice Miceli (Brazil).


10h30 Psychoanalysis as translation

Speakers: Joel Birman (UFRJ, Brazil) and Monique David-Ménard (University Paris-Diderot, France).

Mediation: Bruno Siniscalchi (Instituto Comum, Brazil).

Artist: Yhuri Cruz (Brazil).


10h30 Art as translation

Speakers: Caroline Bergvall (United Kingdom) and Flora Süssekind (Brazil, UNI-Rio).

Mediation: Bruno Siniscalchi (Instituto Comum, Brazil).

Artists: Cid Campos (Brazil) / Maria Palmeiro (Brazil).


Panel and audience discussion on notions around paradigm shift (10:58)


Ping Pong #22 | Alice Miceli e Thyago Nogueira (1:17:41)